The Children and Young People Quality of Life Study

The Children and Young People Quality of Life Study is a Wellcome funded project being carried out by researchers at Health Economics Bristol at the University of Bristol

We want to find out what is important to the quality of life of children and young people aged 0 to 18 years old. We have been carrying out interviews with children, young people, and their parents/guardians to find out what is important to children and young people’s wellbeing. The findings from the research will help decision-makers to decide how health and social care is funded for children and young people.

We are looking to recruit the following people to take part in interviews:

(1) Parents with children aged 0-5 years

(2) Parents with children aged 6 to 18 years

(3) Children and young people aged 6 to 18 years.

Taking part in the study will involve doing an interview online with a researcher which will take up to 1 hour. For child or young person participants, the interview will involve asking them about the things that are important to you now and in the future. If you are a parent/guardian, we want to ask you about what you think is important to your child’s quality of life. Please note that if a child or young person aged under 16 years old would like to take part in an interview, a parent or guardian must contact us on their behalf. Each child or young person that takes part in the study will receive a £10 Love2Shop voucher as a thank you.

If you are interested in taking part in the Children and Young People Quality of Life Study or have any further questions please email Sam Husbands at

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If you are interested in taking part or have any questions please email Sam Husbands at

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