Equity, diversity and inclusion

Athena Swan Award

We hold an Athena SWAN Silver Award and are currently working towards Gold accreditation. Read about our commitment to advancing gender equality in Physics.

EDI Committee

The school’s EDI Committee provides a point of contact for our staff and students to raise issues concerning LGBT, Income, Gender, Disability or Racial inequality issues. 

Faces of Physics

Find out from our staff how they’ve benefitted from the university’s schemes to help them to care for children, improve their work-life balance and succeed in their chosen careers.

Juno Champion Award

We hold a Juno Champion Award, which recognises departments that demonstrate they have taken action to address the under-representation of women in university physics

Recruitment & Selection

We ask all our staff to complete the Effective Recruitment and Selection course before they begin the hiring process to reduce the potential effects of unconscious bias.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

The health and happiness of our staff is of paramount importance to us. The University has a scope of resources available to help support your mental health and wellbeing should you need them.

Work Life Balance

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is one our key commitments. The University has developed a set of policies to aid flexibility, regardless of gender, age, pay grade, personal circumstances, or the number of hours you work.