What can I do with a philosophy degree?

Careers prospects for philosophy graduates 

Philosophers are highly employable. Many employers value the flexibility of thought and the capacity for marshalling arguments in a coherent and compelling manner that philosophy fosters. Our philosophy undergraduates go on to make excellent lawyers, consultants, entrepreneurs, journalists, teachers, civil servants and leaders in business or other professions.

Many graduates also move on to postgraduate study, either as a taught Master's degree or through postgraduate research.

Many of our postgraduates have become published authors even before completing their postgraduate studies. They have presented papers at international conferences and have received distinguished awards and prizes to support their work. A considerable number go on to pursue academic-related work after finishing their programmes, which bears testament to the nurturing and high quality research environment of the Department of Philosophy.

Where are they now?

Here are a few examples of what our graduates have gone on to do:

  • Sam Roberts (BSc Mathematics and Philosophy, 2001)
    Position: Marketing and Management Adviser, VSO / CRDT.Read more about Sam's experience.
  • Ellen Clarke (PhD 2010); supervisor: Samir Okasha; title: Biological Individuality and the Levels of Selection
    Position: All Souls Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Oxford
  • Zoe Drayson (PhD 2011); supervisor: Susan Hurley, Michelle Montague, Andy Clarke (Edinburgh); title: Psychological explanation: the role of the personal/subpersonal distinction
    Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Stirling
  • Antony Lamb (PhD 2012); supervisor: Chris Bertram; published his thesis with Routledge; title: Ethics and the Laws of War: The moral justification of legal norms 
    Position: Lecturer at Coleg Gwent, South Wales. 

Further information

Find out more about philosophy graduates on our Careers Service pages.

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