Undergraduate courses

Studying philosophy at Bristol gives you the opportunity to delve into some of the deepest questions that have puzzled great thinkers.


Single honours

Joint honours

Intercalated courses

  • Intercalated BA Medical Humanities
    This innovative, one-year degree course is for any student currently studying medicine, dentistry or veterinary science at the University of Bristol or elsewhere.

Liberal Arts

The department also contributes to the following multidisciplinary courses:

What can I do with a philosophy degree?

A degree in philosophy prepares you for a huge range of professional careers

Further information about studying Philosophy

Read more about studying Philosophy at Bristol on the University study pages.

My time at Bristol allowed me to discover a wide range of topics in Philosophy, allowing for a broad understanding of the subject. My lecturers have been engaged, enthusiastic and always willing to help out when I’ve struggled with any aspect of the course.

Lucy (Philosophy and German BA, 2020)

Three female students digging in the Philosophy department's garden. Did you know?

The department has its own allotment, known as the 'Kierkegaarden'.

It's maintained by students and academics, encouraging discussion around ethics of the environment as well as providing some delicious food.

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