Dr Christie Cabral
B.Sc.(Bristol), M.Res.(UCL), Ph.D.(Sur.)
Current positions
Senior Lecturer
Bristol Medical School (PHS)
Press and media
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Research interests
Christie Cabral is a social anthropologist working in primary care, social care and global health. She conducts research with the Centre for Academic Primary Care (CAPC) and the NIHR Health Protection Research Unit (HPRU) in Behavioural Science and Evaluation. She is co-leadof the Bristol hub for the NIHR South West Research Design Service (SW-RDS).
Christie has worked on health, social care and international development research for over 25 years. Her current research interests include illness beliefs, health behaviours and health inequalities in primary care and global health contexts. Her most recent work in the field of overuse of antibiotics in primary care has been highly cited internationally and informed the development of antibiotic stewardship interventions nationally and internationally.
Christie has methodological expertise in conducting primary qualitative studies, using qualitative methods to design interventions, conducting evaluations within trials and synthesising qualitative evidence. She has been PI or Co-I (leading workstreams) on external research grants totalling £22.5M. Most recent research has focussed on the management of infectious disease and antimicrobial stewardship, with additional projects on digital health, health inequalities and social care. She teaches anthropology and global health, behavioural and social sciences, and qualitative methods including qualitative evidence synthesis.
Christie worked with groups of parents from diverse backgrounds to co-produce resources to help parents care for children with respiratory tract infections including an information website for parents (http://child-cough.bristol.ac.uk/) and the “Caring for Children with Cough” leaflet which has been incorporated into Public Health England & RCGP TARGET antibiotic toolkit resource list. Christie also led the development of a training video for clinicians on what parents want from a consultation for their child's cough, based on the findings of her National School for Primary Care funded research. The video has been incorporated into Public Health England & RCGP TARGET Antibiotic Training Webinar hosted by the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
Christie currently has two PhD students. One is investigating variation in antenatal vaccination rates, with a focus on understanding inequitable access. One is investigating health inequalities in primary care, with a focus on antibiotic resistance. Christie has previously supervised three successful PhD students and taken on the role of internal examiner for others.
Christie is Associate Editor (Qualitative synthesis) for Research Synthesis Methods.
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
NIHR Evidence Synthesis Group
Principal Investigator
Bristol Evidence Synthesis Group (ESG) is one of nine, UK-based, research groups commissioned by the National Institute for Health and Care Research Evidence Synthesis Programme to identify, appraise, and combine…Managing organisational unit
Bristol Medical School (PHS)Dates
01/04/2023 to 31/03/2028
NIHR Global Health Research Group on developing strategies for hepatitis C in Ethiopia
Managing organisational unit
Bristol Medical School (PHS)Dates
01/09/2022 to 30/09/2026
ConnectED: Connecting Evidence to Decision Making
Principal Investigator
Co-Principal Investigator
ConnectED is a project that aims to help decision-makers in Adult Social Care make better decisions by growing their ability to use research.Managing organisational unit
School for Policy StudiesDates
05/01/2022 to 31/12/2024
Adapting online infection control training for care home staff
Principal Investigator
The existing online infection control intervention, Germ Defence, will be adapted for care home settings using the Person Based Approach.Managing organisational unit
Bristol Medical School (PHS)Dates
01/11/2021 to 30/09/2023
Connecting Evidence with Decision Making in Adult Social Care
Co-Principal Investigator
Connected aims to help decision-makers in Adult
Social Care (ASC) make better decisions by growing their ability to use
research evidence. We are a partnership of Local Authority ASC departments,…Managing organisational unit
Bristol Medical School (PHS)Dates
01/09/2021 to 28/02/2025
Thesis supervisions
Recent publications
01/12/2024A complex intervention to reduce antibiotic prescribing in rural China
The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific
Diagnostic accuracy of point of care tests for acute respiratory infection
NIHR Health Technology Assessment
Engagement in rapid public health research among young people from underserved communities
BMC Public Health
Implementation of the CHIldren with acute COugh (CHICO) intervention to improve antibiotics management
British Journal of General Practice