Student development

group of 12 students facing the camera on the steps of a building
Image credit: TJ See

The University of Bristol Law School attracts the very best talent from all over the world. It is dedicated to capturing that talent and supporting its students to be the very best they can be. The Law Clinic provides real-life experiences of law to complement academic study. Law Clinic members gain an invaluable insight into how the practice of law can impact on people’s lives.

How does the Law Clinic improve my employability?

The integration of theory and practical experience plus the transferable skills developed in the Law Clinic enhances graduate employability, and helps you achieve your individual career aspirations. You will develop key skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem solving, which equip you for work in the legal profession and further afield.

What practical experience can I gain in the Law Clinic?

  • work on 2-3 cases per year on a range of issues with the opportunity to explore particular areas of interest
  • receive training from supervisory solicitors and from our partner firm Osborne Clarke
  • attend Court and Tribunal hearings with clients
  • take part in projects with our outreach partners and local schools
  • make a difference in the community
  • have the unique experience of working in our inquest team

Law Clinic membership is open to Law students of all years. Applications take place in the Autumn term, and information on the process is circulated internally.

Do you have any paid internships?

Spring and summer internships

The Law Clinic operates a year-round service. Generous alumni donations allow us to offer paid internships to five Law Clinic graduates over the spring exam period and summer vacation. Internships are 6-8 weeks, and successful applicants work on around 20 cases at a time.

Black student internship

In 2022 and 2023 the Law Clinic was fortunate to secure funding from Leigh Day for an eight-week internship for a Black UK student. Six weeks were with the Law Clinic, followed by two weeks in the Leigh Day's London office. Last year's internship was sponsored by Burges Salmon. The initiative aims to address the chronic under-representation of Black talent in the legal sector.

Clinical Legal Studies

Clinical Legal Studies is an optional third-year module which guarantees membership in the Law Clinic.

Topics covered in the Clinical Legal Studies module include:

  • Professional ethics
  • Court structure
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Access to justice issues
  • Case management
  • Cause lawyering
  • Anti-racist lawyering
  • Dealing with clients and courts
  • Funding options including legal aid

Learn more about Clinical Legal Studies in the programme catalogue.

The Law Clinic is an eye-opening experience. Clients often approach the Clinic daunted, they understandably have an issue which they have no legal knowledge of. Being able to apply what you have learnt within your studies in order to help some of society's most vulnerable individuals makes working at the clinic an immensely rewarding experience. The support and community here is truly amazing.

Alys Grove (LLB 2023)

Upon undertaking vacation scheme interviews, the Law Clinic was the one thing employers were extremely interested in hearing about. I strongly believe my passion for justice which has stemmed from the Clinic supported my ability to obtain offers.

Rosie Humphris (LLB 2021)
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