
Day 1: The Changing Face of Bank Regulation

10.30 – 11am: Registration and coffee

11am: Introduction by Professor Keith Stanton

11.15am - 12.45pm: Morning session: Modern Prudential Regulation (20 mins per paper and 30 min Q&A after)

  • Uncertainty - the Unknown Trigger of Complexity in Financial Regulation, Professor Armin Kammel (IALS)
  • Universalising Prudential Regulation, Professor Iris Chiu (University College, London)
  • Ring Fencing, Professor Andrew Campbell (University of Leeds) and Dr Paula Moffatt (Nottingham Trent University)

12.45 - 2.15pm: Lunch

Tower Tours

2.15 - 3pm: Plenary

  • Brexit and Financial Services: Implications for the UK, Professor Niamh Moloney (London School of Economics)

3 - 3.15pm: Coffee break

3.15 - 4.45pm: Afternoon session: International Prudential Regulation

  • Singapore, the GFC and International Bank Regulatory Norms, Professor Sandra Booysen (National University of Singapore)
  • Inaction bias in macro prudential supervision, Dr Pierre Schammo (Co-director, Durham European Law Institute, Durham University)
  • Individual Accountability for Regulatory Breaches: Learning from the Irish Experience, Professor Blanaid Clarke (Trinity College, Dublin) 


Day 2: Emerging issues and Developing Challenges

9 – 9.30am: Registration and coffee

9.30 - 11am: Morning session 1: Culture, Ethics and Conduct Regulation

  • Regulating and enforcing tone and culture – a Judge’s view, Judge Tim Herrington, Judge of the Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery)
  • Bank Misconduct: Protecting SMEs, Professor Keith Stanton (University of Bristol)
  • Bank culture, the role of dissent and improving communication, Dr Holly Powley (University of Bristol)

11 - 11.15am: Coffee break

11.15am - 12.45pm: Morning session 2: Technological Developments - FinTech and RegTech

  • Don’t believe the hype: AI, blockchain, and other bubblicious buzzwordsProfessor Dave Cliff (University of Bristol)
  • FinTech trends and predictions – a practitioner perspective, Adrian Shedden (Keystone Law)
  • The Risks of RegTech, Dr Sian Lewin (Consultant: The Reg Doctor)
  • Blockchain and Financial Market Infrastructure: The Promise and the Perils, Professor Harry McVea (University of Bristol)

12.45 - 2pm: Lunch (Moot Court)

2 - 3.30pm: Afternoon session: Financial Crime

  • Cybersecurity and the Financial Sector, Richard Parlour (Financial Markets Law International, Chairman of EU Task Force on Cybersecurity Policy in the Financial Sector)
  • Corporate Liability for Economic Crime: A Critical Review, Professor Nicholas Ryder (UWE)
  • Tangled Threads: Why Online Payment Fraud is proving hard to curb, Mr Andrew Charlesworth (University of Bristol)

3.30 - 4pm: Concluding remarks

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