Terms and conditions

Graduands are responsible for reading these terms and conditions and the information this page links through to.


You must register for graduation by the deadline. If you miss the deadline, you are not guaranteed a place at your ceremony, or a ceremony at a later date. 

If you choose to graduate in absentia, you will not be allowed to attend a future ceremony for your award. 

If you do not register and we do not hear from you during the registration process, you will automatically graduate in your absence by default and will not then be able to attend a future ceremony for the same award.

Data protection and your personal information

In accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018), we can only discuss personal information about a ceremony with the student.

Any contact details given on the graduation registration form will be used for graduation purposes and for helpful advice from our careers and alumni services. You will be able to opt-out of careers and alumni correspondence when this is sent at a later date.

All names are printed in full in the programme for each ceremony, which is a public document available to all graduating students, staff and guests at their ceremony. 

If you attend a graduation ceremony, you will have your first name (or preferred middle name) and surname announced. We are unable to use names that do not appear within your official name as registered on your student record. Names cannot be amended after an award has been made unless they have been legally changed due to gender reassignment.

Your name may be passed to an external organisation which provides guidance on name pronunciation, to assist with the announcement of names at the ceremonies.

All names may also be used on University merchandise including the graduation hoodie, which lists the names of all students graduating in the congregation. 

You should contact us to discuss any issues arising in relation to this use of personal information.


You are only guaranteed tickets if you register for graduation by the deadline.

If you want to request extra guest tickets, you must follow the procedure for requesting extra tickets as published on the Graduation website during the registration process. We cannot guarantee that any extra tickets will be available or that you will be allocated any extra tickets, if available.

No one will be admitted to the ceremony without a ticket. 

Tickets will only be issued if you are eligible for graduation. 


You must hire or purchase a gown and hat for your graduation ceremony. This must be the correct gown for your award. You will not be able to graduate if you are not wearing the correct gown and hood in the official University of Bristol colours.


In order to graduate, you must meet the applicable eligibility criteria for the congregation, as provided on the Graduation website. 

Date and time

The dates and times of the ceremonies are as published. You will be invited to your ceremony as relevant for your award. It is not possible to attend a different ceremony unless you choose to defer when you register to graduate. It is not possible to attend a different ceremony in the same congregation. 


If you want to defer your graduation you must select the deferral option on the form by the registration deadline.

You can only choose to defer your graduation ceremony once. 

Deferral cannot be offered after your graduation ceremony has taken place.

Deferral is not offered to the summer congregations.  Students who defer will be invited to register for the winter congregation following their original scheduled ceremony.

Find out more about deferring

Filming and photography

Our graduation ceremonies are professionally filmed. These films are available to watch live online and are available to purchase on DVD, USB or digital download.

A University photographer may also be taking photos of the event. Students, staff and guests are all likely to be captured in either this film or in photographs.

Film footage and photographs taken may be used for media publications, advertising, on our website at a later date, and on social media.

By registering to attend the graduation ceremony, you and your guests are giving permission for your image to be recorded and used in the manner described.  The University processes this personal data on the basis of its legitimate interests (UK GDPR Article 6.1(f)).

If you have concerns about this, you should contact us.

Taking your own photographs and footage

You are able to take your own photographs or film during the ceremony. However, we ask that you do not obstruct the views of others and that you do so in a discreet manner as possible.

Mobile phones

All mobile phones should be set to silent during the ceremony. 

Right to refuse entry

All students and guests must be seated by the time stated on the timetable for the day. Entry for students and guests is not possible once a ceremony has started. 

We reserve the right to ask any person to leave the ceremony if they are being disruptive to the proceedings or to other guests.

We will not admit anyone without a ticket. 

We reserve the right to refuse entry to a graduation ceremony. 

Accessibility/special requirements

If you or a guest requires special arrangements, such as wheelchair access, sight or sound facilities, or other assistance, you should let us know this at the time of registration to allow us time to organise the appropriate arrangements and seating. 

Unforeseen circumstances

We aim to hold graduation ceremonies as advertised, however, we reserve the right to make alterations if necessary. For instance, in the event of bad weather or travel restrictions or if a ceremony reaches capacity before the registration deadline. 

In the unlikely event that a ceremony has to be cancelled or rearranged, the University will make every effort to contact you to let you know. We will also make every effort to publish information on our web pages and other suitable channels. 

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