Graduation information
Find out everything you need to know and do to prepare for your graduation in our information pages.
Staff members
If you are a member of staff interested in attending a graduation ceremony you can read our information for staff.
Invitation email
Find out when you should expect your invitation email and the address it goes to.
See the Registration page for full details about the registration process, including the registration deadline when confirmed, and your graduation options. Registration troubleshooting advice is available if you have any difficulties with the registration process.
See the Eligibility page for details, including additional information for Postgraduate research students.
Gown hire
See the gowns page for details about hiring your gown and hat, including the gown hire deadline, information about the graduation gown bursary and what the gowns will look like.
Tickets and other ways to watch
Find out more about tickets, how and when extra tickets are allocated and other ways of watching the ceremony.
Accessibility/special requirements
Find out about access to our venues and how to contact us to discuss any accessibility needs or special requirements you or your guests may have.
Photography, films and other merchandise
Find out about official photography and other mementoes of this special occasion, with lots of options at a range of prices including a personalised clip of your moment on stage.
Name pronunciation
You can enter a phonetic version of your name on the registration form to assist with pronunciation when your name is announced at your ceremony. If you have not provided this information via the form you can send it to
Visa support
If you are an international student you may need a visa to return for your ceremony. Find out how to get a visa support letter to assist an application, and contact details for further visa advice.
Travel, parking and venues
Find out how to get to the University, information about the graduation venues and parking, staying in Bristol and left luggage facilities
What to expect
Find out what to expect at your ceremony, including where you will sit and how you will be called onto the stage
Watch online
If you have friends, family and other supporters who can't join you on the day, they can watch the ceremony live online.
Terms and conditions
See the graduation terms and conditions, including data protection information.
Find out who to contact depending on your enquiry