School visits
The Bristol Dinosaur will come to your school and can deliver workshops and talks for key stages 1–4 about dinosaurs, palaeobiology, and geology.
The Bristol Dinosaur projects brings dinosaurs and science to life through free school visits for all keystages. We run stimulating and creative hands-on workshops with real fossils that students get to handle themselves.
Key themes explored include:
- Deep time (ie geological time; millions of years)
- Continental drift and moving landmasses
- Geology
- Evolution
- Changing climates through time
- Dinosaur reconstruction
What happens on a School visit?
Our school visits are geared towards the national curriculum's keystages:
Key Stage 1
A 45-minute long interactive session where children learn about different dinosaurs, including the Bristol dinosaur Thecodontosaurus. The session covers:
- What dinosaurs looked like
- What dinosaurs ate
- Where dinosaurs lived
- How dinosaurs moved
- How scientists are able to know these things
Key Stage 2
A 30-minute talk about dinosaurs, including the Bristol dinosaur Thecodontosaurus. This talk will cover the methods and tools that scientists use to learn about dinosaurs and bring them to life, from looking at bones and rocks to advances in computer programs. Students will get the chance to take part demonstrations and work with the presenters.
Key Stages 3 and 4
A presentation which explains the importance of science subjects like palaeontology and geology. This talk focuses on:
- What palaeontologists do
- Practical applications of palaentology and geology
- The various methods, models and tools used in their work