Renal Cell Lines

An image of renal cells

A suite of conditionally immortalised cell lines available for drug discovery research and development.


  • Toxicology studies
  • Metabolism
  • Therapeutic targeting
  • Renal physiology
  • R&D Co-culture studies (e.g. 3D culture model)


  • Primary human cell derived (excluding murine podocyte cell line)
  • Physiologically relevant phenotype analogous to in vivo differentiated renal cells.
  • Homogenous, stable and long-lasting
  • Straightforward, robust protocols for growth and differentiation
  • Important adjunct in studies of glomerular cell lines, or for use in co-culture studies

Available packages

  • Single cell lines
  • Packages of glomerular cells
  • Training sessions in cell growth and maintenance
  • Expertise in glomerular cell biology
  • Model and cell line development (co-culture including 3D models)
  • R&D collaborations

The Academic Renal Group at the University of Bristol is a world-leading team of nonclinical and clinical scientists engaged in improving the management, treatment and prevention of renal disease.

Their research focuses on the cellular and molecular biology of glomerular cells and designing and studying potential disease treatments.

To underpin this research a suite of renal cells have been conditionally immortalised. These lines offer ready availability of cells that express normal phenotype and function. The groups’ cells are now widely used in academic and commercial laboratories across the world and provide highly relevant experimental models for the study of drug metabolism, transport, mechanism of action, and nephrotoxicity. The following conditionally immortalised cell lines are available for licensing.

  • Human Podocyte
  • Murine Podocyte
  • Human Glomerular Endothelial
  • Human Mesangial

The group has also created a range of conditionally immortalised cell lines from individuals with nephrotic syndrome and other renal diseases. Further details of these are available upon request.

Professor Moin Saleem Professor Moin Saleem

Dr. Moin Saleem is a Professor at the University of Bristol and Director of Bristol Renal. He is founder and chief scientific officer of Purespring Therapeutics, the world's first renal gene therapy company.

Dr. Saleem's specific area is podocyte biology. His gene therapy program is focused on targeting the podocyte in order to radically change the treatment of kidney diseases.

Other available technologies

See below for more technologies available technologies developed at the University of Bristol

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