Natural history studies

Natural History Study of the Development of Type 1 Diabetes

What is the study about?

The aim of this study is to learn more about how type 1 diabetes occurs. Close blood relatives of a person with diabetes are at higher risk for type 1 diabetes than others. Relatives of people with type 1 diabetes have a 10 to 15 times greater risk for the disease than people with no family history.

Because of this, we are screening only close blood relatives of people with type 1 diabetes. This includes brothers, sisters, parents, children, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandchildren of people with type 1 diabetes. The study is divided into two phases: screening and monitoring.

Who is eligible?

You must be:

  • Age 3-45 with a first degree relative with type 1 diabetes
  • Age 3-20 with a second degree relative with type 1 diabetes

A first degree relative is a parent, sibling or child; a second degree relative is a cousin, aunt, niece, nephew or grandchild.

What will happen if I take part?

Screening involves one visit. This is to determine if diabetes related autoantibodies are present in the blood.

Monitoring is open to any participant with one or more confirmed antibodies. It involves a 6 or 12 monthly follow up visit for people at risk of developing diabetes.

If you would like to take part in any of the studies please contact your nearest participating site.

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