COVID-19 (CTC-19 Diabetes) Study

Bristol Researchers need volunteers to help COVID-19 infection and vaccination study in people with and without diabetes. 

Over the last year we have had a huge response from people helping us to optimise our COVID-19 laboratory assay. This has been very successful and means that we now have an extremely accurate COVID-19 antibody test. Thank you to everyone who helped with this - we are truly grateful.

  • We will use this test to study as many people with diabetes (any type of diabetes) as possible to understand more about the immune effects of COVID-19.
  • We welcome samples from people without diabetes also as a comparison group in this study.
  • We will ask everyone who takes part their experiences of COVID-19.

In this study, it does not matter if you have or have not had COVID-19 (or you don’t know) or if you have received a COVID-19 vaccination, we would like everyone aged 18 or over to help. 

Further information about the project is found here: PIS CTC-19 Diabetes Study Ver. 2. (PDF, 224kB)

If you are interested in taking part in this project, then please complete the Expression of Interest form.







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