Multiple Generation Research

Understanding the causes of type 1 diabetes - changes to DNA (epigenetics) through the generations

We are looking for families taking part in or eligible to join the BOX family Study who have grandparents willing to help with this new multiple generation research.

Today there are more young children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when compared with 50 years ago. These children have fewer high risk diabetes related genes than children diagnosed in the past.‌

We know that the changing environment is playing a role in altering genes which increase the chance of someone developing type 1 diabetes.

Our scientists will study the genes in people with type 1 diabetes, their parents and their grandparents, to examine DNA that is susceptible to environmental influence.

A student can be seen using a class two hood.

Epigenetics is the study of particular chemical and structural changes to DNA that can affect how our genes work. These changes are a ‌natural occurrence that happen to everyone and are influenced by many factors including age, environment/lifestyle factors, and our ‌‌body’s response to infections.

Our study nurse will visit consenting families at home or at a local hospital in the study region to collect a blood sample. We are also extending our invitation to any brothers and sisters of the person with type 1 diabetes who might be willing to take part.

It does not matter if relatives (parents, grandparents, or siblings) have diabetes or not, but please let us know if anyone including the person referred to the study with type 1 diabetes, is taking part in a clinical trial or prescribed medication that may suppress the immune system.

Minimum family participation = The person referred with type 1 diabetes, + one parent + one grandparent.

However the more (of these participant groups) that help - the more effective and meaningful the research becomes.

Family Information Sheet (PDF, 1,008kB)

Contact us for further details

Understanding the Causes of type 1 diabetes 

Changes to DNA (epigenetics) through the generations

‌We are looking for families taking part in or eligible to join the BOX family Study willing to help our multiple (2 or 3) generation research.

‌Our scientists will study genes in people with type 1 diabetes, their parents and (if available) their grandparents, to examine DNA that is susceptible to environmental influence. We know that the changing environment is playing a role in altering genes which increase the chance of someone developing type 1 diabetes.

Who is eligible to take part?

People diagnosed with type 1 diabetes referred to the study

and their

Brother(s), sister(s), parent(s) and grandparent(s)

What is involved?

‌Taking part involves volunteering a blood sample and answering a few lifestyle questions. Participants will be visited at home or at a local hospital by our study nurse.  

Epigenetics is the study of particular chemical and structural changes to DNA that can affect how our genes work. These changes are a ‌natural occurrence that happen to everyone and are influenced by many factors including age, environment/lifestyle factors, and our ‌‌body’s response to infections.

It does not matter if relatives (parents, grandparents, or siblings) have diabetes or not, but please let us know if anyone including the person referred to the study with type 1 diabetes, is taking part in a clinical trial or prescribed medication that may suppress the immune system.

Participant Information Sheet

Contact us for further details

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