New samples and video guides

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With funding support from Diabetes UK and the JDRF, we are pleased to announce that we are able extend and expand the existing BOX study to include the next generation of children. 

We aim to create a collection of samples to help us continue to study genetic and immune markers, but in addition to examine how the gut microbiome develops and the pancreas functions over time in people with and at risk of developing type 1 diabetes.

Sample collection kits to use at home

Once you have read our information booklet about this new phase of study, we will ask you to sign a consent form to take part. Once this is completed, we will send the kits to you for collecting your sample(s).

Our home collection kits can be used for adults and children without the need for a GP or hospital appointment.

Collecting a Mouth Swab Sample - Participant Instructions (PDF, 576kB)

Collecting Capillary Blood by Finger Prick - Participant Instructions

Family history

Where we have previous family history data, we will study the differences in the generations of each family.

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