Hawthorns study lounge
Address, opening hours, facilities and services that are available at the Hawthorns study lounge.
Study spaces in the Hawthorns study lounge cannot be booked.
Access is via Ucard only.
Hawthorns Study Lounge's opening hours
Monday to Friday:
9 am to 10 pm
Saturday and Sunday:
Winter vacation closure:
The Study Lounge will be closed from Tuesday 24 December to Thursday 2 January. We will reopen at 9am on Friday 3 January 2025.
Facilities and services
The following facilities and services are available at the Hawthorn study lounge:
- unstaffed
- discussion zone
- online discussion is allowed
- printing
- scanning
Hawthorn Study Lounge's address
14 to 16 Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 1UQ
Contact the Library support if you want to discuss:
- access (or see AccessAble)
- any extra support you may need
- personal emergency and evacuation plan