Performance Squad
Our Performance Squad is made up of our Vice-Chancellor's Scholars and Maroon Scholarship Athletes and represents our most-talented students who are pursuing a dual career at Bristol by displaying sporting excellence alongside their studies.
Our Performance Staff are committed to ensuring that each member of the Squad receives the individualised support and development plans that they need in order to achieve both their sporting and academic potential.
Meet our Performance Squad
Vice-Chancellor's Scholars
Our VC Athletes have received a scholarship from the University for demonstrating exceptional sporting talent outside of their field of academic study, to support them in their continued development as a dual-career Student Athlete at Bristol.
Maroon Athletes
Our Maroon Scholar Athletes have been nominated by Head Coaches for displaying exceptional potential in one of four key sports; Boat, Hockey, Men’s Rugby and Tennis. Maroon Athletes receive additional support from our team of coaches.
Contact our coaches
If you have any questions for our Head Coaches, please get in touch.
Hockey - Chris White
Rugby - Olly Slym
Tennis - Ali Blackett
Football - Alan Tyers
Netball - Chani Wopara