General research
Prof Richard Huxtable
Postgraduate research
Prof Jonathan Ives
Research Administrator for Centre for Ethics in Medicine
Mel Tomlin
MB21 & MB16 Ethics and Law
Prof Richard Huxtable
BSc Bioethics
Dr Zuzana Deans
General Ethics and law Undergraduate Teaching
Dr Zuzana Deans
Postgraduate taught and training courses
Prof Jonathan Ives
BSc Bioethics Admin team
BSc Bioethics Admin team
Postal address
Centre for Ethics in Medicine
Population Health Sciences
Bristol Medical School
Room G.04
University of Bristol
Canynge Hall
39 Whatley Road
Bristol, BS8 2PS
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0117) 3314547
Fax: +44(0)117 92 87326
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