Research and Impact Committee

Research management in the School is undertaken by the School’s Research Director Professor Alan Bogg, Deputy Research Director Dr Jennifer Collins, Impact Director Professor Sheelagh McGuinness, Deputy Impact Director Dr Ed Kirton-Darling (until 31 December 2024), Deputy Impact Director Professor John Coggon (from 1 January 2025) and the Head of School Professor Catherine Kelly, as well as the Research and Impact Committee (which consists of the above, as well as the Athena SWAN Lead Professor Sally Sheldon, Postgraduate Research Director Professor Yvette Russell, Chair of the Law Research Ethics Committee Dr Katarzyna Kryla-Cudna, School Manager Caroline Andrews and School Research Manager Joanna Lucyszyn). 

The Law School Research and Impact Committee manages the implementation of the School’s Research Strategy, alongside other issues relating to research and impact, including monitoring the progress of the Schools Research Centres, developing policy to enhance the School’s research profile and determining the allocation of the School’s research budgets.

At Faculty level research is overseen by the Faculty Research Director (Professor Patrick Capps), the Faculty Research Strategy Committee and ultimately by the University Research Committee.

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To find out more about our research, please contact the Law School's Research Manager
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