Visiting Scholars

‌The Law School’s Visiting Scholars scheme enables national and international academics, researchers and practitioners to come to Bristol and spend a period of time conducting research and participating in the school’s collegiate and diverse research community. (This scheme is not offered to PhD students at this time)

Prospective applicants should note that the Law School only accepts applicants who can demonstrate that they will be engaged in a specific research project for the duration of their visit, and who can illustrate that their research will complement the research interests represented within the school.  Visitors are expected to play an active part in the Law School community during the period of their appointment.

Please see below for further information regarding the application procedure and relevant deadlines.

Scheme objectives

The Visiting Scholar scheme at Bristol Law School seeks to enhance the already vibrant research culture and learning environment of the school.  With this in mind, the aims of the scheme are to: 

  • offer external academics and interested professionals the opportunity to carry out research with a view to publishing their work.
  • enhance the research community at Bristol Law School through the active participation of visiting scholars in academic life at Bristol.
  • further develop and promote external research links with other universities, institutions and practitioners in the United Kingdom and overseas; provide the Law School staff and research students with the opportunity to work with and learn from academics from outside Bristol.


Visiting scholars may start at any time during the year, subject to agreement between each individual scholar and the school.


Scholars may apply for visiting periods of between two weeks and six months.


Applicants will usually be of post-doctoral status or equivalent. The scheme is not open to PhD students at this time.

Relationship with the Law School

Depending on the length of their visit and the nature of their research, visitors are expected to contribute actively to academic life in the School, in particular through participating in research seminars relevant to their research. Visiting scholars may identify themselves as 'Visiting Scholar, University of Bristol Law School' during their period at the School.

Requirements of tenure

Depending on the length of tenure, the school expects that during the visit period scholars are willing to:

  • deliver a staff seminar
  • deliver a guest lecture to undergraduates in relevant module(s)
  • deliver a guest lecture to postgraduates in relevant module(s)
  • commit to reasonable attendance at the staff seminar series 


Unfortunately, the school is unable to contribute financial support to assist scholars with travel and subsistence. However, visiting scholars may be able to apply for funding under the Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professorships scheme, administered by the Institute for Advanced Studies.

Provision of resources

Visitors will receive/be provided with:

  • a University Card
  • the sponsorship of a Bristol Law School staff member, who will meet with the visitor and provide guidance and advice when the visitor first arrives in Bristol. It should be noted that it is up to the individual visitor to arrange this initial meeting with their sponsor
  • full access to the Bristol University Library and all other University Library Services
  • access to electronic holdings, databases and journals
  • the visitor's email address will be added to the graduate mailing list, so that he or she is notified of any Law School events that may be of interest or relevance

End of visit report

At the end of the visiting term, scholars are asked to submit a brief written report summarising their contribution to the school research committee.  This report may be excerpted and published by the school.

How to apply

Applicants should provide a clear explanation for the proposed duration and timing of their visit and have clear and realisable research objectives to be pursued during that time. 

Applications must be accompanied by a statement of support from the academic staff member who will ‘sponsor’ your visit.

Applications are reviewed by the School Research Director, Deputy Research Director, School Manager and proposed academic sponsor.

Applications should be submitted electronically to the scheme lead (normally Deputy Research Director).

You will be advised, in writing, of the outcome of your application within four weeks on submission. 


Download the Visiting Scholars Application Form (Office document, 37kB)

Completed application forms should be sent via email to


The Law School is unable to provide assistance in finding accommodation for visiting scholars, though the University Accommodation may be able to help.

Contact us

If you have any queries or questions, you are more than welcome to contact Dr Jennifer Collins. Email:

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