In the region of 40 business leaders attended the event which was opened by the University of Bristol's Nick Sturge, the Business Incubator Manager at RED (Research and Enterprise Development).
The main presentation was given by Allie Renison, the IoD's Europe and Trade Policy Lead, with Conservative MP Geoffrey Clifton-Brown and businessman Simon Boyd making the case for Leave; and Dr. Syrpis joining businessman Richard Staite in making the case for Remain.
The debate was wide-ranging, with a focus on the implications for business. Worries were expressed about the way in which EU rules are (and are not) enforced; and there was a lively exchange of views on the implications of a vote for leave for the UK's trading relationship with both the EU and the wider world.
An IoD survey indicates that IoD members are 2:1 in favour of Remain; and that seemed to be a fairly accurate reflection of the opinion in the Hall.
The debate was chaired by Simon Walker, the IoD's Director General, and held at the University of the West of England.
Dr. Philip Syrpis recently chaired a panel of political hardhitters for the first in a series of University of Bristol EU debates "The West Decides" .