International Internship Scholar Scheme

Each year, the Law School offers International students the opportunity to receive recognition and a financial reward for any legal-related work experience completed over either the Christmas, Easter or summer vacation periods through the International Internship Scholar Scheme. 

This initiative aims to encourage and support overseas fee-paying (LLB or MA) students in the School to undertake an internship (of 50 hours or more) in their home (or another overseas) country. This is in acknowledgement of the fact that overseas students face particular challenges in securing internships in the UK, and this scheme aims to award prizes to the best interns.

Students who have successfully completed an internship will be invited to enter a competition where they will write a reflective account about their experiences as an intern. A panel of three judges will assess the entries and winners will become ‘Law School International Internship Scholars’ and receive a cash prize and a certificate at a presentation ceremony in the Autumn Term.

Please visit the Careers Service website for advice on securing your internship overseas.


  1. The internship must be overseas. It can be in your home country or in any country outside the UK (including the EU).
  2. The internship must be at least 50 hours of work. Most internships are longer, but this is the minimum.
  3. It must be a law related internship.

Criteria for awarding scholarships

The internships will be decided on the basis of three, equally weighted criteria:

  1. How well did you make the case in your answers to on the application form, about the benefits of the internship. We will be looking for your skill in presenting your experience, including: well-structured pieces of writing; evidence to back up your claims of benefit; convincing argument and presentation.
  2. How relevant is the internship to your academic development, and how might it be beneficial in this area; this will primarily be judged on the evidence you provide in your answers.
  3. How relevant is the internship to you future career development and employability, and how will it be beneficial in this area; this will primarily be judged on the evidence you provide in your answers.

Up to ten cash awards will be awarded alongside a certificate presented by the Head of School at the autumn prize giving ceremony.

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Applications are now open

Please submit your application using this form by 5pm on Tuesday 31 October 2024

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