Psychology on film
Videos by the School of Psychological Science
Introducing the School of Psychological Science
Professor Jan Noyes explains why studying Psychological Science in Bristol is such a rewarding course in just 60 seconds.
What our students say
Find out from our students what it is like to study Psychological Science at Bristol.
Life as a Psychological Science student
Dr Olivia Maynard will take you in on a tour of our school and showcase some of our facilities.
Sample Lectures
Prof. Bruce Hood: 'The domesticated brain: how the social environment turned us into children'
This talk introduces the concept of domestication and how this may have contributed to the significant change in our brain and behaviour.
Dr Nina Kazanina: 'The listening brain'
Dr Nina Kazanina discusses the listening brain in adults and how this develops in children.
Dr Angela Rowe: 'Why break-ups make you reach for the ice cream'
In this talk Dr Angela Rowe discusses studies that examine the mechanisms by which insecurity can lead to disinhibited eating and ultimately high BMI and overweight.
IRIS Student Project
Working in dynamic partnership, the University of Bristol's School of Humanities and School of Psychological Science made exciting discoveries during this Interdisciplinary Research Internship Scheme (IRIS) funded by the University Research Committee (URC) and facilitated by the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS)
What is Working Memory?
In this film, Professor Chris Jarrold introduces the concept of working memory, and why it is important in a classroom setting.