Opportunities for Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Introduction
- Funding schemes
- Benefits
- Selection
- Expectations
- Application process
- Information and enquiries
We welcome enquiries from potential applicants to various UK and European Postdoctoral funding schemes. The School of Education (SoE) has a successful track record of hosting Postdoctoral Fellows.
Read about our Postdoctoral Fellows.
Funding schemes
By following the links below you will be able to discover what levels of funding are available and eligibility criteria:
- British Academy
- Leverhulme Trust
- Marie Curie Actions
- AXA Group
- Wellcome Trust
- Spencer Foundation
- Nuffield Foundation
- Newton International Fellowships.
We also welcome international Postdoctoral Fellows with secured funding from other agencies.
- You will have access to support and guidance provided by a mentor as well as other academic and administrative research staff. You will be able to engage with colleagues conducting interdisciplinary research; network and attend events in the School of Education and more widely across the University.
- You may join one or more of the School Centres or Networks, benefiting from the vibrant academic atmosphere these present. Within the School of Education, we have centres focusing on issues of language, globalisation, teaching and learning in schools, assessment, higher education, comparative education, information technologies in education, advanced statistical analysis, narrative inquiry, transformative learning and identities, psychology and education among others.
- You may attend one or more of the School’s Reading Groups offered by centres and networks. We also hold regular whole-school events and seminars with frequent participation of a range of educational stakeholders, for instance policy makers, teachers and school administrators.
- You will also have opportunities to present your research in School research groups and seminars, and to contribute to the outputs of the School’s research and impact agendas.
- Postdoctoral Fellows have access to a wide range of public lectures and seminars across the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law and elsewhere in the University.
- Postdoctoral fellows receive the same access to School, Faculty and University funding for research and travel as permanent members of staff.
- You will receive expert support in the preparation of grant applications during your Postdoctoral Fellowship.
- You will be able to take advantage of the comprehensive range of training courses offered to research staff, aimed at maximising your career building potential.
The selection criteria for SoE support for any potential Postdoctoral fellow is:
- Your research topic: of most importance is the close intellectual fit of the proposed research to the School of Education research themes and interest of permanent staff.
- The availability of staff in your interested area to work with you.
- Your holding a PhD qualification or are about to finish your doctorate as well as your ability to meet the eligibility criteria of your proposed funder.
- You show enthusiasm and commitment for your area of interest.
We ask that all Postdoctoral fellows present at least one research seminar while they are in the School and submit a research output, for example, a paper, PowerPoint presentation or podcast.
We also ask that applicants have a level of English that is of a standard that is suitable for academic work.
Application process
After you have identified a research project that is of mutual interest to yourself and a member of SoE staff who works in your area, please complete a Postdoctoral Fellows Application Form (Office document, 44kB) and attach a copy of your CV. Email this information to ed-hos-pa@bristol.ac.uk. Your submission will be reviewed by the Deputy Research Director and you will be notified promptly of decision outcomes. If successful, further information will be made available on what steps to take next.
Information and enquiries
Full details on staff research interests.
Professional Services Office
35 Berkeley Square
Bristol, BS8 1JA
Email: ed-hos-pa@bristol.ac.uk
Tel: (0117) 33 14263