Recent Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr Peter Jones
“I consider the support of the Graduate School of Education and the ESRC with my Postdoctoral Fellowship to have been highly instrumental in my progression to a Lectureship at Southampton University’s School of Education.”
Postdoctoral research: The European Commission and Education Policy in Bulgaria: An Ethnographic Discourse Analysis
Research centre: Globalisation, Education and Societies (GES)
Mentor: Professor Susan Robertson and Professor Roger Dale
ESRC funded, 2009-10.
Current position: Lecturer in Post-Compulsory Education and Training and member of the Research Centre for Lifelong and Work Related Learning (LaWRL), University of Southampton
Dr Ben Whalley
“My postdoc fellowship at Bristol has been a wonderful experience, personally and professionally. The enthusiastic multidisciplinarity of the centre for multilevel modeling was the perfect environment to explore and apply a range of new analytical techniques, and the wealth of research expertise at Bristol provided ample opportunity to established a number of collaborations with researchers in Bristol which will continue well beyond the end of the
Postdoctoral research: Research and capacity building in advanced quantitative methods for the analysis of psychological intervention studies
Research centre: Multilevel Modelling (CMM)
Mentor: Professor Jon Rasbash
ESRC funded, 2009-10
Current position: Lecturer in Psychology, School of Psychology, University of Plymouth
Dr Hope Nudzor
Postdoctoral research: Exploring the policy implementation process in low-income countries: The case of the ‘fCUBE’ policy in Ghana
Research centre: International and Comparative Studies (ICS)
Mentor: Professor Leon Tikly
ESRC funded 2008-9
Current position: Strathclyde University
Dr Dave Bainton
Postdoctoral research: Suffering Development: Indigenous Knowledge and Western Education in Ladakh
Research centre: International and Comparative Studies (ICS)
Mentor: Professor Michael Crossley
ESRC funded 2007-8
Current position: Researching in Italy
Dr Daphne Kounali
Postdoctoral research: Missing Data in Life-Long Observational Studies: An Application on the Effect of Social Standing on Adult Cardiovascular Health
Research centre:Multilevel Modelling (CMM)
Mentor: Professor Fiona Steele
ESRC funded 2007-08
Current position: Research Fellow, Clinical Sciences South Bristol, Bristol University
Dr Mario Novelli
Postdoctoral research: Globalisation, The Politics of Scale and Strategic Pedagogy
Research centre: Globalisation, Education and Societies (GES)
Mentor: Professor Susan Robertson
ESRC funded 2005-06
Current position: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social and behavioural studies, University of Amsterdam
Dr Angeline M Barrett
Postdoctoral research: Teacher Identity in Tanzania: International Collaboration and Cross-Cultural Communication
Research centre: International and Comparative Studies (ICS)
Mentor: Professor Leon Tikly
ESRC funded 2005-06
Current position: Research Fellow, Graduate School of Education, Bristol University
Dr Katie Scott
Postdoctoral research: Washback in the UK primary context with EAL learners: exploratory case studies
Research centre: Research on Language and Education (CREOLE)
Mentor: Professor Marilyn Osborn
ESRC funded 2005-06
Current position: Lecturer in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, Newcastle University
Dr Maroussia Raveaud
Postdoctoral research: Differentiated learning in French and English primary schools : the child, the pupil and the citizen
Research centre: International and Comparative Studies (ICS)
Mentor: Professor Marilyn Osborn
ESRC funded 2002-03
Current position: Senior Associate Teacher, Graduate School of Education, Bristol University