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The Handbook for Education Professionals: Bristol Guide 2024-2025 was published on 5 August 2024. It is available as a printed book and interactive PDF/ebook.

Printed Book

The price per copy is £9.20 plus delivery. Discount rates are available for purchases over 30 on a sliding scale.

To purchase 1 - 29 copies by card, follow the online shop link below:


If you would like to be invoiced for any order over ten or have an order of 30 or more, please complete the online form below.

Bristol Guide 24-25 - Quote to Purchase Over Ten Copies

Book despatched to mainland UK only.

Please allow ten working days for delivery,

93% of our printed books are now sold and there will be no further print runs for this edition.


The PDF is sold as a single copy or as a licence to distribute or hold on a system like Blackboard.  Prices are based on the number of individuals who have access to the book. 

The price per individual (copy) is £7.90.  Discount rates are available for purchases over 30 on a sliding scale.

To purchase 1 - 29 individuals by card, follow the online shop link below:


If you would like to be invoiced for any order over ten or have an order of 30 or more, please complete the online form below.

Bristol Guide 24-25 - Quote to Purchase Over Ten Copies

Your personalised PDF will be sent during working hours. Please allow five working days for delivery.

Available until 30 June 2025.

Download the full price list below:

Bristol Guide Full Price List 2024-2025 (PDF, 219kB)


If you have any queries, please email us at eprs-admin@bristol.ac.uk

Bristol Guide 2024-25 - First Ten Pages (PDF, 4,704kB)

Partner Associations Additional Discount

If you are a member of the Chartered College of Teaching, NASBTT, NAHT, or UCET, please contact them for details on how to claim your 10% discount on the full-price printed book.

"The Bristol Guide provides a clear, concise up-to-date guide of the education system and how it works.  An invaluable tool for the education sector."

Emma Hollis, Executive Director, The National Association of School-Based Teacher Training (NASBTT)

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