For student volunteers

We couldn't function without our student volunteers, and hope that volunteering with the Bristol Classics Hub is enjoyable and rewarding for our students.

Current Bristol students (both undergraduates and postgraduates) are involved with the Hub in two ways:

1) Volunteering 

Each year we need student volunteers to deliver workshops to local school children, both at big events like our annual Classical Civilization and Ancient History conference, and as one-off events. These workshops are a valuable part of what we offer schools: they present the classical world to students in an accessible, fun format, and current Classics students are good role-models for school children. We use these workshops particularly to give a taster of Classics to students who have not had the chance to study the subject before, and to complement the more traditional lectures at our conferences. Not only is this fun and rewarding work, but it also potentially a valuable addition to a CV.

2) Classics Teaching as a Career

We also promote Classics teaching as a career, particularly in the state sector. Of course, a good way to get a taste of what teaching might be like and to build your CV in preparation for applying for a PGCE is to volunteer to run workshops with the hub.

For further information, please contact


The training sessions leading up to our mini workshops gave me a real insight into how much work actually goes into planning a lesson, and with Charlie’s guidance I was very confident with my final workshop plan.

First year undergraduate - Classical Studies
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