BrisSynBio publication policy

Key BrisSynBio information

BrisSynBio must be referred to as: “BrisSynBio, a BBSRC/EPSRC Synthetic Biology Research Centre”.

You must acknowledge the support of BrisSynBio for publications. Other funding sources can also be acknowledged. Acknowledgement should be in the form of an additional affiliation, for example:

Alternatively, in the Acknowledgement section if you do not receive direct funding but have used BrisSynBio-funded equipment:

Address:  BrisSynBio, Life Sciences Building, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, BS8 1TQ, UK


Grant Number: BB/L01386X/1

Who does this apply to?

BrisSynBio publication guidelines (PDF, 640kB) (PDF, 1,107kB).

The following policy applies to all publications arising from research either funded by BrisSynBio, or based on results generated using BrisSynBio-supported equipment. To see what you must do, please read the appropriate section that best matches your situation:

If you are uncertain as to which policy applies to you or your publication, please seek clarification from your line manager or the BrisSynBio Scientific Manager (see appendix 4).

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