Curriculum Enhancement

The Curriculum Enhancement Team works with programme teams in a range of ways to develop and enhance curricula.

Events and training we offer include:

Enhancing assessment and feedback practices
Students' experiences of assessment and feedback play a significant role in defining their experience at university. Whether you are looking to work with your team on a particular area for development, or involve students in developing assessment and feedback, we can offer bespoke workshops on assessment and feedback. Our team can also engage with stakeholders around the new assessment and feedback strategy, evaluating areas for development and providing insights into students' experiences of how this is enacted. 

Curriculum Festivals
Curriculum Festivals - an event to develop new programmes or reinvigorate existing ones. Each festival involves the whole programme team, students, alumni and relevant professional services staff.

Writing Retreats
Writing Retreat is a half-day session using thoughtful activities to stimulate creative ideas around unit descriptors.

TESTA (Transforming the Experience of Students through Assessment) - a series of events drawing on programme data and student perspectives to develop and enhance summative and formative assessment across a programme. Fast-track TESTAs provide a rapid insight into what students value about your programme.

Bespoke workshops
You tell us what your staff need! Our team have a wide range of expertise and we can design courses and activities to suit your requirements and help you develop your programmes, whatever stage you are at.

Our curriculum enhancement work draws on the University of Bristol’s Curriculum Framework and its six connected dimensions which together form a touchstone for curriculum design and enhancement. The Curriculum Framework was co-created with staff across the institution and a small number of students in 2019. 

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Curriculum Enhancement Programme

Between 2019 and 2024, a five-year programme known as the Curriculum Enhancement Programme (CEP) was funded by the University with the remit to support programme teams to enhance their curricula. The Programme did this by offering several initiatives focused on understanding student and staff perspectives on the current curricula, identifying areas for improvement and supporting academic colleagues with suggested tactics. You can read more about what the Programme offered in the Making a Difference brochure. We continue to evaluate the impact of the work of the Programme and you can read about this in the CEP evaluation report.

Figures correct as of July 2023
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