Dr Sophie Hatchwell
My research interests centre on visual culture in Britain in the 19th and 20th centuries, with a particular focus on intersections between display and art writing. I am currently working on a project, funded by a Barnes-Graham Research Support Grant, which investigates the development and reception of Neo-Romantic figurative art in Britain during the Second World War. In addition, I am transforming my PhD (Bristol 2015) into a series of articles that investigate the physical and rhetorical conditions that framed contemporary experiences of art during the Edwardian period.
I am a co-founder of the Early Career Researchers in British Art Network, a career-development orientated group that supports ECRs across the field of British art. More information can be found here: https://ecrbritishart.wordpress.com/
‘Robert Ross: Criticism, Commerce and Networking’ in Beyond the Garden Party: Rethinking Edwardian Culture, ed. by Samuel Shaw, Sarah Shaw and Naomi Carle (Farnham: Ashgate, forthcoming 2016)
Auctioning Lucian Freud and Francis Bacon: A Sales History 1990-2015 (London: Piano Nobile Works of Art, forthcoming 2016)
Auctioning Stanley Spencer: A Sales History 1990-2014 (London: Piano Nobile Works of Art, 2015)
Co-convener, 'Enchanted Edwardians', Edwardian Culture Network and University of Bristol (2015)
- 'A Silent Presence? Women Artists and the Fitzroy Street Group 1907-1916', Overlooked Women Artists and Designers 1851-1918', University of Glasgow (2015)
- 'The Neo-Romantic Body and the Second World War 1939-1946' University of Bristol History of Art Research Seminar (2015)
- 'Rothenstein, Romanticism and The Quarry', 'From Bradford to Benares: William Rothenstein in Context', Cartwright Hall, Bradford (2015)
- Art and Life: Inconsistent Utopianism in Interwar Art’, Modernist Networks and St Ives workshop, Tate St Ives (2014)
- ‘A Rhetoric of Newness? Newness and Continuity in Edwardian Art Criticism’, Edwardian Culture Network Conference, University of Liverpool (2014)
- 'Constructing Space: Transcribing Sculpture in Circle; International Survey of Constructive Art (1937)', Imaginary Exhibitions Conference, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds (2013)
- ‘Language, Art writing and Literary sources’, Future Directions in Art Writing Workshop, University of Bristol (2013)
- Robert Ross, Edwardian Vision’, Edwardian Culture Network Conference, University of Durham (2013)
- ‘Artists and Writers: Walter Sickert and Robert Ross’, Association of Art Historians, New Voices Conference, University of Nottingham (2012)
- Approaching the Past
- Approaching the Object
- Introduction to Early Modern Art
- The City (First Year Special Option)
- Art and War (Second Year Special Field)
- Histories and Theories
- MA Text and Image
- Approaching the Past
- Foundation Year Arts and Humanities