Unit & Programme Management System Reporting
You are now able to view and analyse programme and unit data from the UPMS using the reporting function that is available on Business Objects. The reports are saved in a folder on the InfoView website under UoB Students / Open / Units and Programmes. You will need your UoB username and password to access the Units and Programmes folder.
Reporting Log-In
- Log in on the BI launch pad using your UoB username and password.
- Click through to 'Documents List'
- Navigate to the Units and programmes Folder saved under: Public Folders / UoB Students / Open / Units and Programmes
- Select the Report you wish to view
- You will be asked to enter the faculty you are interested in, if the field appears blank you may need to 'refresh values'
Faculty Units Listing Report
This Business Objects report allows you to easily view and interrogate a full list of current units by school and/or department with details of unit credit points; level of study; KIS data provider status; open unit status; teaching block, and Unit Director.
Notes on the Faculty Units Listing Report:
- Select the Faculty you are interested in upon opening the Business Objects file.
- You will also be prompted to select the Academic Year you wish to view. The academic year rolls forward on 1st August each year.
- The data does not include withdrawn units.
- The data was current in the UPMS at the last date of refresh (see report footer).
- You can refresh the data in the report at any point, allowing you to either select a different faculty to view or simply refresh the data you are currently viewing.
Faculty Programmes Report
This Business Objects Report allows you to easily view a list of programmes that are currently running by school and/or department. The Report provides details of the Programme Director(s); the programme full-time duration, and current PSRB accreditation.
Notes on the Faculty Programmes Report:
- Select the Faculty you are interested upon opening the Business Objects file.
- The report is looking at programmes that have a current cohort version in the current academic year. The academic year rolls forward on 1st August each year.
- The data does not include programmes that have been withdrawn and no longer have a current cohort.
- Programmes that are running but are not published in the Catalogue are highlighted in blue text.
- The data was current in the UPMS at the last date of refresh (see report footer).
- You can refresh the data in the report at any point, allowing you to either select a different faculty to view or simply refresh the data you are currently viewing.
Report on Unit Changes and New Units
This Business Objects Report allows you to view a list of new units and unit changes that have been approved by the faculty during the given academic year.
Notes on the Unit Changes Report:
- Select the Faculty Committee you are interested in upon opening the Busness Objects file.
- Use the input controls on the left hand menu to filter the report if you wish.
Help and guidance
For help using Business Objects please refer to the guidance notes (PDF, 637kB).
If you have any questions regarding the data or using the reports, please contact Sophie Billings on 82907 or at approval-help@bristol.ac.uk