Results from the Bristol Cats Study


Williams, J. L., Roberts, C., Harley, R., Gruffydd‐Jones, T. J., & Murray, J. K. (2024). Prevalence and risk factors for gingivitis in a cohort of UK companion cats aged up to 6 years. Journal of Small Animal Practice.

Chan, I., Dowsey, A., Lait, P., Tasker, S., Blackwell, E., Helps, C. R., & Barker, E. N. (2023). Prevalence and risk factors for common respiratory pathogens within a cohort of pet cats in the UK. Journal of Small Animal Practice

Maniaki, E., Murrell, J., Langley-Hobbs, S. J., & Blackwell, E. J. (2023). Do owner-reported changes in mobility reflect measures of activity, pain and degenerative joint disease in cats?. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery25(6), 1098612X231178765

Evangelia Maniaki, Jo Murrell, Sorrel J Langley-Hobbs, Emily J Blackwell. (2021). Associations between early neutering, obesity, outdoor access, trauma and feline degenerative joint disease. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Rachel Kinsman, Rachel Casey, Jane Murray. (2021). Owner-Reported Pica in Domestic Cats Enrolled onto a Birth Cohort Study. Animals

Emi N. Barker, Philippa Lait, Lorenzo Ressel, Emily-Jayne Blackwell, Séverine Tasker, Helen Kedward-Dixon, Anja Kipar, and Christopher R. Helps (2020). Evaluation of interferon-gamma polymorphisms as risk factor in feline infectious peritonitis development – a large cohort study. Pathogens

Claire Roberts, Tim Gruffydd-Jones, Jessica L Williams and Jane K Murray (2020). Influence of living in a multicat household on health and behaviour in a cohort of cats from the United Kingdom. Veterinary Record

Kathrani, A., Blackwell, E. J., Williams, J. L., Gruffydd-Jones, T., Murray, J. K., Hezzell, M., & Hall, E. J. (2019). Exploring early life events including diet in cats presenting for gastrointestinal signs in later life. Veterinary Record

Tyler, S., Roberts, C., Foster, A., Barnard, N., & Murray, J. K. (2018). Owner-reported flea treatment measures and skin disease in cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Murray, J. K., Casey, R. A., Gale, E., Buffington, C. A. T., Roberts, C., Kinsman, R. H., & Gruffydd-Jones, T. J. (2017). Cohort Profile: The ‘Bristol Cats Study’(BCS)–a birth cohort of kittens owned by UK households. International journal of epidemiology

Wilson J, Gruffydd-Jones T, Murray J. (2017) Risk factors for road traffic accidents in cats up to age 12 months that were registered between 2010 and 2013 with the UK pet cat cohort ('Bristol Cats'). Veterinary Record

Longstaff, L., Gruffydd-Jones, T.J., Buffington, C.A. T., Casey, R.A. and Murray, J.K. (2016) Owner-reported lower urinary tract signs in a cohort of young cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Rowe E, Browne W, Casey R, Gruffydd-Jones T, Murray J. (2015) Risk factors identified for owner-reported feline obesity at around one year of age: dry diet and indoor lifestyle. Preventive Veterinary Medicin

Welsh, C. P., Gruffydd-Jones, T.J. and Murray, J.K. (2013) The neuter status of cats at four and six months of age is strongly associated with the owners’ intended age of neutering. Veterinary Record

Poster presentations

Results from the Bristol Cats Study Poster presented at the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine conference, Glasgow (March, 2012). Click here (PDF, 541kB)

Results from the Bristol Cats Study Poster presented at the International Symposium for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Maastricht (August, 2012). Click here (PDF, 701kB)

Results from the Bristol Cats Study Poster presented at the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine conference, Madrid (March, 2013). Click here (PDF, 408kB)

Results from the Bristol Cats Study Poster presented at the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine conference, Dublin (March, 2014).Bristol Cats Study results 2014 (PDF, 1,482kB)

Results from the Bristol Cats Study Poster presented at the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine conference, Ghent (March, 2015). Bristol Cats Study Results 2015 (PDF, 751kB)

Results from the Bristol Cats Study Poster presented at the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine conference, Denmark (March, 2016). Bristol Cats Study Results 2016 (PDF, 1,269kB)

Results from the Bristol Cats Study Poster presented at the International Society for Feline Medicine European Conference, Malta (July, 2016). Bristol Cats Study Results (PDF, 575kB)

Results from the Bristol Cats Study Poster presented at the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine conference, Utrecht (March, 2019) Bristol Cats Study Results 2019 (PDF, 1,703kB)

Results from the Bristol Cats Study Poster presented at the virtual International Society of Feline Medicine congress (August 2020) Bristol Cats Study Results Poster 1 (PDF, 381kB)

Results from the Bristol Cats Study Poster presented at the virtual International Society of Feline Medicine congress (August 2020) Bristol Cats Study Results Poster 2 (PDF, 284kB)

Faecal sample study

Press release issued 22 May 2013
Cat owners need better information about when to neuter their cat

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