Policies, procedures and regulations for postgraduate students starting in 2022/23

We’ve collected together the codes of conduct, policies and procedures related to the application process and other aspects of postgraduate study. Please take the time to read through the following documents. You can also find general policies for all students on the University Secretary's Office website


We welcome applications from talented candidates of all backgrounds and we are committed to promoting equal opportunities.

The life of the University is enriched by having a body of students which reflects the community at large.

We select people who have the ability and motivation to benefit from their intended programmes of study and who will make positive contributions to the life of the University.

We have a clear set of principles and procedures when dealing with admissions. Further details can be found in the following documents:

Academic study

Please find all policies relating to academic study on the University Secretary's Office rules and regulations for students page.

Behaviour and wellbeing

IT, web and library


Visas and immigration

Further information

Visit the Secretary's Office rules and regulations for students for all other student policies.

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