Profile C

Our English language profiles are set at the minimum level required for entry to our programmes, which we believe should prepare you adequately for you to start your course. However, it is important for you to know that we expect your engagement with your English learning to continue throughout your time studying with us. As your course progresses, you will need to continue to develop your English skills so that you are able to understand the advanced concepts and nuances within it.
You should also be aware of language skills which are not scored in these English language tests, but which are essential for your daily use of English in an academic setting and in your day-to-day life in the UK. For example, being able to understand information and explain it to another person is a vital skill that students are expected to be able to do in English to communicate effectively with other English speakers. You should expect to develop your level of English through daily interaction with other people and with course materials.

Unless specifically stated, the information below details the English language skill level required for both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. We refer to these skill levels as ‘profiles’. For this profile, you need to achieve the listed level.

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