Sharing research data

Many major research funders and academic publishers call for research data to be shared, and for access to be published in the form of a 'data access statement'.

For example, UKRI funded researchers are expected to make research data 'available by default', while the NHS ethical clearance process encourages researchers to 'identify whether samples or data can be contributed to an existing biobank or data-sharing repository'.

Researchers should no longer use 'please contact the author' to share research data. This is because when contact details change, access to data often becomes impossible. Instead, the University of Bristol provides the data.bris Research Data Repository for the publication of research data. The repository can be used to either publish data openly or with access restrictions. For details see Publishing research data in data.bris.

Data access statements

The type of a 'data access statement' you add to your papers will vary depending on how you decide to share data and any restrictions you put in place. The Research Data Service has produced examples from different disciplines:

To help you create your own data access statements we have developed an interactive tool:

The tool is also available as a LaTeX package via the University of Bristol Overleaf portal, or for direct download here.

Data sharing policy

Data sharing forms a distinct part of the University of Bristol's Open Research Policy. For more details, please consult the Open Research Policy - Data Sharing Sub-Policy v1.0 (PDF, 198kB)

Data sharing - a UKRN animation primer

This animation is shared under a CC BY license. Other UKRN primers are available at https://www,

Research with commercial applications

To help you balance data sharing and commercially exploiting your research, we've created the following online tutorial:

Interactive bootcamp tutorial - Commercialising research data

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