Journal information
Journal information
The Policy & Politics journal, which has been publishing for 50 years, focuses on key works in the areas of public and social policy, and politics.
A statement from the Policy & Politics team to our community
As colleagues around the world adjust to the personal and professional challenges of COVID-19, the editorial team of Policy & Politics would like to assure all of our readers and contributors that we are committed to ensuring that the journal will continue to be inclusive and accessible for all members of our academic community.
We will still endeavour to handle papers in a timely manner and in accordance with our editorial review process. For early career academics especially, the opportunity to publish is a core concern.
However, we also recognise that for many colleagues, deadlines for peer reviewing, revisions and re-submissions may become difficult. We know that people’s experiences will vary. Whilst some may find themselves with more time to read and write articles, a great many others will have additional caring responsibilities or may be unwell themselves.
If this is the case, please do let us know so that we can amend deadlines accordingly. Our intention is to afford all members of our academic community the opportunity to engage with the journal, and we do not wish to create any unnecessary barriers at such an extraordinary and challenging time.
Policy & Politics Editorial Team