
Study publications and outputs are listed below.


Final report:

Ridd M J, Wells S, MacNeill S, Sanderson E, Webb D, Banks J, Sutton E, Shaw A R G, Wilkins Z, Clayton J, Roberts A, Garfield K, Liddiard L, Barrett T, Lane J A, Baxter H, Howells L, Taylor J, Hay A D, Williams H C, Thomas K. Comparison of lotions, creams, gels and ointments for the treatment of childhood eczema: the BEE RCT. Health Technology Assessment 2023; 27: 19. DOI: 10.3310/GZQW6681/


Effectiveness and safety of lotion, cream, gel, and ointment emollients for childhood eczema: a pragmatic, randomised, phase 4, superiority trial by M Ridd et al in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.

How parents and children evaluate emollients for childhood eczema: a qualitative study by Eileen Sutton, Alison RG Shaw, Matthew J Ridd, Miriam Santer, Amanda Roberts, Helen Baxter, Hywel C Williams and Jonathan Banks in British Journal of General Practice [online first]

Policy briefing:

Offer choice of different emollient types and support their use in children with eczema by M Ridd. PolicyBristol.

Why was this study needed? 

An article published by some of the trial team as part of The BMJ uncertainty series, outlining why moisturisers (emollients) matter in eczema and why the BEE study was funded:  

Ridd Matthew J, Roberts Amanda, Grindlay Douglas, Williams Hywel C. Which emollients are effective and acceptable for eczema in children? BMJ 2019; 367: l5882 

More detail about our trial, in the form of a Protocol paper:  

Ridd MJ, Wells S, Edwards L, et alBest emollients for eczema (BEE) – comparing four types of emollients in children with eczema: protocol for randomised trial and nested qualitative studyBMJ Open 2019; 9: e033387DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033387 

Other publications using data from the BEE study:

Allen OGE, MacNeill S, Ridd M J. Parent satisfaction with lotion, cream, gel and ointment emollient types: secondary analysis of Best Emollients for Eczema study. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2023; 49: 573- 577 DOI: 10.1093/ced/llad452

Chan J, MacNeill S J, Stuart B, Lo Y T E, Roberts A, Mitchell D, Ridd M J. Do temperature changes cause eczema flares? An English cohort study. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 2023; 48: 1012- 1018 DOI: 10.1093/ced/llad147

Memory KE, MacNeill SJ, Thomas KS, Santer M, Ridd MJ.  Capturing and reporting topical treatment use in childhood eczema: lessons for data collection in eczema trials. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 2024 DOI: 10.1093/ced/llae328

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