A Quality of Life Study: Young people living with serious illness
We want to find out what is important to young people aged 14 to 25 years old who are seriously ill and/or expected to live a short life. We would like to talk to young people to find out what is important to their quality of life. We would also like to talk to parents/guardians of young people who are unable to talk to us. The study aims to improve the way health and social care for young people with serious illness is funded based on the things that are important to them.
If you are a young person, we would like to ask you about your experience living with illness and the things that are important to you in life. If you are a parent or guardian, we would like to ask you what you think may be important to your child’s quality of life.
Taking part in the study would involve an interview with a researcher, which would last for up to an hour but with breaks if needed.
If you are under 16 years and would like to take part in the study please talk to your parent or guardian first and ask them to contact us. We need their consent to contact you.
You will receive a £10 Love2shop gift voucher as a thank you for taking part in the study
If you are a:
- Young person aged 14 to 25 years old living with serious illness and/or expected to live a short life
- Parents or guardians of young people (aged 14 – 25 years) with serious illness and/or expected to live a short life
and would like to take part or find out more about the study please contact Isabella Floredin at Isabella.floredin@bristol.ac.uk or +441174282096
This study is part of a Wellcome trust funded project being carried out by a PhD student at the University of Bristol.
Get Involved
Please see the relevant information sheets below or contact Isabella directly for more information.
Isabella.floredin@bristol.ac.uk or +441174282096