Centre for Science and Philosophy

Using the Department of Philosophy's international reputation for excellence in the philosophy and history of science as a foundation, the Centre promotes the understanding and interpretation of science by supporting collaborative work between philosophers and researchers in a wide range of academic disciplines.

The Centre for Science and Philosophy was established at the University of Bristol in 2011 in collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Studies

Potential areas of study incorporate all forms of intellectual inquiry that take science or its results as their object. For example: the sociology and history of science; science studies; the history and philosophy of medicine and ethical issues arising from medicine; and the relationship between scientific institutions and public policy and ethics.

The Centre also seeks to encourage public engagement with the university by organising open events and activities and providing forums for the discussion of ethical, social and political issues raised by current scientific practice and research.

Thinking Science

Resources for science teachers, created in a collaborative project between the University of Bristol, and science teachers and educators in Bristol.

Associated groups:

   Foundational Studies Bristol research group for logic and the foundations of mathematics.


Centre for Health Humanities and Science

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