Dr Robert Drake
BSc(Lond.), MSc(Lond.), PhD
Current positions
Research Fellow
School of Physiology, Pharmacology & Neuroscience
Press and media
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Research interests
Im a neurobiologist interested in brain mechanism that impart vulnerability to develop chronic pain and mental health. Im particularly interested in the contribution of cortical areas that can regulate sensory processing and behaviour to enable adaptation in changing environments or physiological states. Recently, my research focus has shifted to interoceptive rather than exteroceptive systems.
I work on chronic pain because there is a tremendous unmet need. Chronic pain has a devastating impact on the quality of life of patients and their carers, and impacts society and the economy greatly. Current therapies are largely ineffective, and many patients feel their treatment is inadequate. I work on ‘executive control’ areas of the brain because our understanding of nociceptive systems alone has not translated into effective treatments for patients. I believe that improved understanding of the interaction between the nociceptive, emotional, and cognitive systems is required to identify new therapeutic targets, refine existing ones, and improve our stratification of patients for effective treatments.
The expertise I bring to my field is comprehensive knowledge of the nociceptive (pain) system from the bottom up and the top-down. I have developed several experimental techniques for the selective monitoring and manipulation of neuronal activity in behaving animals that allows me to discern cause from effect and discern the local and inter-regional neuronal circuit mechanisms. This approach allows me to address research questions from the single neurone to neuronal circuits to animal behaviour. I think my unique contribution is being able to assimilate ideas across physiological, psychological, and clinical domains to identify research questions and design appropriate experimental studies that have improved translational value for patients.
I would like to interact more with people with lived experience of chronic pain and/or mental health to help me refine my research agenda. I think its essential to work with pharmaceutical companies that can help translate fundamental knowledge into impact for patients and society. I would also like to interact with digital health technology companies that could deliver brain / cognitive based therapies for patients. Please get in contact if you are interested in my research. Thank you.
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Sex, stress & Pain; exploring sex differences in the cortical control of chronic pain
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of Physiology, Pharmacology & NeuroscienceDates
01/11/2022 to 31/10/2025
Identifying psilocybin induced behavioral motifs in rodents
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
School of Physiology, Pharmacology & NeuroscienceDates
01/07/2022 to 30/06/2023
Principal Investigator
lotsManaging organisational unit
School of Physiology, Pharmacology & NeuroscienceDates
01/06/2019 to 31/07/2022
Contributions of prefrontal-midbrain-spinal cord network dynamics to the development and maintenance of chronic neuropathic pain
Managing organisational unit
01/12/2016 to 30/11/2019
Selected publications
08/02/2021Loss of cortical control over the descending pain modulatory system determines the development of the neuropathic pain state in rats
Periaqueductal Grey EP3 Receptors Facilitate Spinal Nociception in Arthritic Secondary Hypersensitivity
Journal of Neuroscience
Cerebellar modulation of memory encoding in the periaqueductal grey and fear behaviour
The degree of acute descending control of spinal nociception in an area of primary hyperalgesia is dependent on the peripheral domain of afferent input
Journal of Physiology
The control of alternative splicing by SRSF1 in myelinated afferents contributes to the development of neuropathic pain
Neurobiology of Disease
Recent publications
15/03/2022Cerebellar modulation of memory encoding in the periaqueductal grey and fear behaviour
Pro-opiomelanocortin neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract mediate endorphinergic endogenous analgesia in mice
Loss of cortical control over the descending pain modulatory system determines the development of the neuropathic pain state in rats
Periaqueductal Grey EP3 Receptors Facilitate Spinal Nociception in Arthritic Secondary Hypersensitivity
Journal of Neuroscience
The control of alternative splicing by SRSF1 in myelinated afferents contributes to the development of neuropathic pain
Neurobiology of Disease