Professor James Dodd
I'm a clinical academic respiratory consultant with expertise in severe asthma, advanced COPD, breathlessness and multi-morbidity. My research includes integrative epidemiology, digital technology and aerosol science.
Current positions
Professor of Respiratory Medicine
Bristol Medical School (THS)
Press and media
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I'm a clinical academic respiratory physician in Bristol where I set up and run one of the UK regional specialist NHS airways services. I head the airways research group and medical electives for Bristol Medical School. I’m the clinical lead for the Royal College of Physicians national asthma audit & research programme.
I co-lead the respiratory disease theme within Bristol’s NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, responsible for digital, aerosol, asthma and COPD worksteams. I am Caldicott guardian and respiratory lead for the ASPAC birth cohort & chair the clinical advisory group. I sit on the scientific committee and steering group of UK severe asthma registry and a pan European collaboration exploring the early origins of chronic lung disease (CADSET).
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Understanding the mechanistic role of the carotid chemoreflex in patients with long COVID and dysfunctional breathing
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
Bristol Medical School (THS)Dates
06/01/2025 to 05/01/2028
An integrated epidemiological approach to understanding the relationship between lung health and multi-morbidity
Principal Investigator
Managing organisational unit
Bristol Medical School (THS)Dates
01/11/2019 to 31/10/2022
Thesis supervisions
Recent publications
13/09/2024Adiposity and mortality among intensive care patients with COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 respiratory conditions: a cross-context comparison study in the UK
BMC Medicine
Clinical remission with biologic therapies in severe asthma: a matter of definition
European Respiratory Journal
Exacerbation predictive modelling using real-world data from the myCOPD app
Genome-wide association study of preserved ratio impaired spirometry (PRISm)
European Respiratory Journal
Impact of sex on severe asthma
As Medical elective lead for Bristol Medical School I am responsible for the safe, ethical and educational delivery of ~ 300 clinical electives a year.
In addition I write and deliver lectures for the health sciences intercalated BSc, second year Bristol Medical School and Epidemiology MSc courses.
In addition I write and deliver lectures for the health sciences intercalated BSc, second year Bristol Medical School and Epidemiology MSc courses.