Dr Danya Bakhbakhi
MBChB, BMedSci, PGCert, PhD
Current positions
Academic Clinical Lecturer in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Bristol Medical School (THS)
Press and media
Many of our academics speak to the media as experts in their field of research. If you are a journalist, please contact the University’s Media and PR Team:
Projects and supervisions
Research projects
Co-designing and Broadening the Scope of Grief and Baby Loss Booklet
Principal Investigator
Funded by the Participatory Research Fund (Research England), we will work with charities, bereaved parents and medical professionals to finalise our baby loss and grief booklet. Focus-group feedback demonstrated that…Managing organisational unit
Department of EnglishDates
01/02/2023 to 31/07/2023
Participatory Research Funding: A Qualitative Evaluation of Stillbirth, Neonatal Death and the Grief Journey
Principal Investigator
Principal Investigator
The illustrated booklet Stillbirth, Neonatal Death and the Grief Journey was funded by the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research, University of Bristol, and the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support…Managing organisational unit
Department of EnglishDates
01/03/2022 to 31/07/2022
Good Grief, Bristol: Bristol Grief Festival 2020
Principal Investigator
Grief affects everyone, yet remains taboo, with bereaved people often unsupported and isolated. We will hold a city-wide festival on grief and bereavement in 2020/21 (Good Grief, Bristol), focussed on…Managing organisational unit
Bristol Medical School (PHS)Dates
01/11/2019 to 31/10/2020
Development of a core outcome set and identification of outcome measurement tools for interventions after stillbirth (International Collaboration for Harmonising Outcomes fOr Stillbirth ResEarch: ICHOOSE)
Principal Investigator
A wide range of interventions are offered to parents following the diagnosis of stillbirth. Examples include seeing birthing options, counselling and care in subsequent pregnancies. Many of these interventions have…Managing organisational unit
Bristol Doctoral CollegeDates
01/01/2018 to 31/12/2020
Recent publications
01/01/2024Pregnancy, Baby Loss and the Grief Journey
Care of late intrauterine fetal death and stillbirth
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Maternity healthcare professionals' experiences of supporting women in decision-making for labour and birth
BMJ Open
Support for parents and families after stillbirth and neonatal death
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Exposure to microplastics and human reproductive outcomes
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Development of a core outcome set for stillbirth care research
Award date