Your questions

Can I transfer programmes before I begin Year 1 or just after the start of the academic year?

General Information:  You do not need to decide between a BSc (3 year) or MSci (4 year) programmes before you begin, it is easy to change between these once you are here (up to Year 3 for single honours & Year 2 for joint honours). You can also normally transfer easily between single honours programmes (see Question 2 below).

If you are thinking about transferring between different programmes we strongly encourage you to research your decision in advance.  Whether you will be able to change programme depends on you having the required predicted (or actual) grades and there being space on the course you want to transfer on to (there is no automatic right to transfer).

The School of Mathematics will consider transfers if they are completed by the Friday before Welcome Week; this can take time to be reviewed, so if you want to transfer programmes please make sure you contact the Admissions Team ( in advance of arriving.



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Can I transfer between courses after the start of the course?

Joint honours to single honours:  Students on joint honours programmes may be allowed to start Year 2 in single honours Mathematics if they meet certain conditions at the end of their first year. This will be subject to approval by the Senior Tutors and will only be possible if there is enough space on Year 2 of Mathematics. Students cannot transfer between joint and single honours programmes during Year 1.

Single honours to joint honours: You cannot transfer from a single honours to a joint honours programme unless you undertake a supplementary year.  A request to transfer needs to be agreed by both Schools.

Study Abroad and Study Abroad in a Modern Language programmes: You cannot transfer onto a Study Abroad in a Modern Language programme after the start of the course because of the language requirements.  You may be able to transfer onto a Study Abroad programme at the start of Year 2 if sufficient placements are available and you are accepted by a placement University (this is a competitive process).

BSc & MSci transfers:  You can transfer off an MSci programme if you wish to graduate with a BSc at any time during your course (NB if you transfer off a joint honours MSci after Year 2 your final degree may have a different title).  You can transfer from a BSc to an MSci at any point as long as you meet the programme requirements (eg 60% average in Year 2).

Mathematics with Statistics (& for Finance):  You can transfer from "Mathematics with Statistics" or "Mathematics with Statistics for Finance" to Mathematics at any point in the programme.  You can transfer onto Mathematics with Statistics (& for Finance) at any point if you have completed the required units.

Data Science: Transfers between Data Science and Mathematics degrees are not possible due to the different content from the start of first year, although the degrees have some shared optional units in later years.

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How flexible is the Mathematics course?

Single honours maths degrees are very flexible courses. By giving all students a common mathematical foundation in Year 1, we prepare them for wide range of informed choices in later years. The course structure enables you to focus on areas where you have the greatest interest and strength.

There is also a selection of open and external units which may be studied as a part of your degree. Currently these include subjects such as sustainable development, economics, languages and psychology.

Joint degrees focus on the mathematics most relevant to the second discipline, pure mathematics (logic and set theory in particular) for Mathematics and Philosophy and applied mathematics for Mathematics and Physics. There is little scope for taking outside units, as your course will be fully occupied by your two subjects. A joint degree is ideal if your interests span mathematics and the other discipline involved.

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Do I need Further Maths?

We strongly encourage you to take Further Maths A-level if you can. The majority of our students do have it.  Students that come without Further Maths may find the first year a bit harder than those that do. However, our statistics show there is no negative impact at the end of the degree.

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Do I need STEP?

No, but there is a reduced offer with STEP.

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Are there other mathematics programmes available at Bristol?

The University of Bristol has a School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology in the Faculty of Engineering, which offers degree programmes in Engineering Mathematics.

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Do you consider applications for deferred entry?

Yes, this is not a problem. We strongly advise you to do some maths in your year off.

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Do you offer courses with a year in industry?

Yes, our Data Science with a Year in Industry BSc has this option.  For students on our other degrees, many find summer internships during their degree, and our Careers Service provides students with support in finding and applying for internships.  We also offer students bursaries to do summer research projects before their final year. These are competitive.

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