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HRIC Newsletter

4 November 2021


On 11th October, the HRIC in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice held a webinar to discuss independent monitoring of places of detention in the UK’s Overseas Territories. It saw the participation of superintendents of prisons from the OTs and is part of a project funded by the Ministry of Justice to look into detention monitoring.

On 19th October Prof Rachel Murray presented a paper at the webinar organised by the Pan African Lawyers Union, the Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa, the Network of Universities Legal Aid Institutions and Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights on Litigating Civic Space and Digital Rights cases before the ECOWAS Court. The webinar focused specifically on post-litigation advocacy and Prof Murray spoke about the strategies for implementing supranational courts’ decisions.

From 18th – 23rd October, Prof Rachel Murray spent time with the Gambian National Assembly. This is part of a POST project with the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association UK evaluating the revised Standing Orders of the National Assembly.

On 1st November, Prof Rachel Murray participated in a conference organised by the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Implementation and Impact of Decisions of the African Court: Status, Challenges and Prospects. She presented findings from a study examining the responses of governments to the Court’s decisions.

In November, the HRIC submitted written evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights’ consideration of Protecting Human Rights in Care Settings.

Further Information
If you have any questions about any of the news above, please contact Paige Spicer, Centre Executive Assistant.

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