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New member of the Human Rights Implementation Centre, Lisa Montel, releases new publication

Lisa Montel

1 March 2021

New member of the Human Rights Implementation Centre releases publication.

Human Rights Implementation Centre member Lisa Montel and colleagues published a paper in the Health and Human Rights Journal.

They looked at implications of the pandemic outbreak for the right to health as defined under international human rights law and ratified by member states. Using the UK as a case study, they examined critically the extent to which the government’s response to COVID-19 complied with the legal framework of the right to health. They reviewed further key states’ obligations on the right to health and assessed its suitability in times of pandemic. Finally they offered some recommendations for an update of the right to health. Find the full article here.

There is an excellent compilation of other articles on health rights and digital healthcare published by the Health and Human Rights Journal.

Further information

For more information please contact Lisa Montel.

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