17th Annual International Conference on Contracts (KCON XVII)
Clifton Hill House, BS8 1BT
The University of Bristol Law School is pleased to host the 17th Annual International Conference on Contracts (KCON XVII) on 20th - 21st June 2024. KCON is the largest annual international academic conference dedicated to contract law and related areas of commercial law. It brings together contract law scholars, practitioners, and graduate students from around the world. Junior scholars are encouraged to participate, both as presenters and commentators.
KCON affords an opportunity to present and discuss ideas on a wide range of topics at every level of development, including recently published articles, articles accepted for publication but not yet in print, works in progress, thought experiments, preliminary ideas, and pedagogical innovations. It also provides an opportunity to network with colleagues and potential collaborators or mentors from other parts of the world.
Call for Papers and Abstracts
We cordially invite your submissions for the conference. The conference theme is intentionally broad. Proposals relating to any aspect of contract law are welcome. Presentations at past conferences have included studies from doctrinal, theoretical, empirical, historical, economic, critical, international, comparative, pedagogical and interdisciplinary perspectives. All are welcome once again. We also welcome papers and presentations comparing civil law and common law treatment of contract issues. Papers that focus on a single civil law jurisdiction should be put in a wider context.
Expressions of interest in presenting, along with draft titles and abstracts should be submitted to kcon-2024@bristol.ac.uk. The deadline to submit an abstract is Thursday 15th Feburary 2024. Proposals submitted earlier will be accepted on a rolling basis. Speakers whose papers are accepted will be expected to present in personand to pay the conference fee of £160.
Conference Lifetime Achievement Award to honour Professor Mindy Chen-Wishart
We are pleased to announce that Professor Mindy Chen-Wishart will receive the conference’s Lifetime Achievement Award at the conference dinner on June 20, 2024. The Award honours individuals whose careers have been spent in legal academia and who have made major contributions to legal education, contract law scholarship, and the practice of commercial law. Professor Chen-Wishart is the fifteenth person to be so honoured.
Mindy Chen-Wishart is a Professor of Law at the National University of Singapore, an Emeritus Professor of the Law of Contract at Oxford University and an Emeritus Fellow in Law at Merton College, Oxford. She was the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Oxford until 30 September 2023. She was formerly a Senior Lecturer at Otago University in New Zealand and Rhodes Research Fellow at St Hilda’s College, Oxford. She is the author of Contract Law (7th ed), an editor of Chitty on Contracts (currently in its 35th ed), and is leading a six-book series on the Contract Laws of Asia published by Oxford University Press. Her article on ‘Legal Transplant and Undue Influence’ was named the best article in the International and Comparative Quarterly in 2013. She has lectured to the Judicial College in the UK, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Over her career, she has taught a wide range of private and public law subjects.
Getting to Bristol
Bristol Airport is located eight miles (13 km) south of the city and has scheduled flights to many UK and European cities. Bristol is also easily reached from London Heathrow airport, either by a direct National Express coach service, or by rail.
This event is now fully booked. If you would like to join the waiting list, please contact kcon-2024@bristol.ac.uk
Contact Information
If you have any enquries about this conference, please contact Dr Katarzyna Kryla-Cudna.

Prof Chen-Wishart
KCON Programme (PDF, 3,953kB)17th Annual International Conference on Contracts (KCON XVII) Programme