About us

Launched in October 2017, the Centre for Health, Law, and Society is a transdisciplinary Centre established to examine the diverse roles for law and governance as mechanisms to address health and well-being. We look across society and governmental sectors at broad-ranging questions including regulation of health care, reproductive justice, mental health and well-being and public and global health.

The Centre is based in the Law School and includes leading academics who combine internationally-recognised research profiles with a wealth of experience working with organisations that are responsible for policy-development, professional regulation and social advocacy. Many members have senior editorial and board responsibilities for leading journals in health law and ethics.

Part of the Faculty of Social Science and Law, the Centre offers excellent support for research and research-related activities, and actively cultivates an inter-school, inter-disciplinary ethos. The Centre enjoys close links with the Law School's Human Rights Implementation Centre, where members of the team are involved in providing guidance/advice to a range of bodies responsible for monitoring institutions, including those where individuals are deprived of their liberty in the context of mental health. 

Health is a strategic priority for the University of Bristol, with the Vice Chancellor for Health having a specific remit to deliver greater impact in health research, innovation and outcomes in medical and health education.

Areas of expertise

  • Clinical Negligence
  • Health and Social Care Regulation
  • Human Rights and Health
  • Mental Health and Capacity
  • Public and Global Health
  • Regulating Professionals
  • Reproductive Justice

Launch Event

On 5 October 2017, the Centre for Health, Law, and Society (CHLS) celebrated its launch by hosting an event that included a symposium, a key note lecture by Professor Margaret Brazier and a reception.

Contact Us

For general enquiries about the CHLS contact the Law School Executive Team

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