Paul Moss, Professor of Haematology and Director of Research, College of Medicine, University of Birmingham Joint MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit and Integrative Cancer Epidemiology Programme Seminar

29 November 2016, 4.00 PM - 29 November 2016, 5.00 PM



 Tuesday, 29th November, 2016
16.00 – 17.00 - Room OS6 – Oakfield House

 Paul Moss
Professor of Haematology and Director of Research College of Medicine, University of Birmingham

 Herpesvirus infections: master regulators of immune development and human health



There are 8 human herpesviruses (HV) and all adults carry infection with several of these. Most HV infections are silent but the virus is never cleared and establishes a state of chronic infection. There is now increasing interest in how HV infection can affect immune development and human health. Most viruses are so common in human populations that they can be seen as part of our natural 'virome' and as such help to mature the development of our immune system. These changes are so profound that it is impossible to interpret immune parameters in the absence of knowledge of viral status. Moreover, HV infections are emerging as major challenges to human health. EBV is associated with the development of multiple sclerosis and CMV is regarded as a significant cause of vascular disease. Knowledge of herpesvirus biology is very important for research teams interested in human epidemiology.


Paul Moss is Professor of Haematology and Director of Research in the College of Medicine at the University of Birmingham. He is also Chair of the Infections and Immunity Board and member of Strategy Board at the UK Medical Research Council. Professor Moss’s research programme is within the immunology of human disease, where he undertakes a range of translational studies within viral and cancer immunology.



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