Physical activity and sleep

What hormonal and molecular factors explain how physical activity and sleep influence cancer risk and can we intervene on these risk factors to help prevent cancer and its progression? In our Physical activity and sleep theme, we investigate the inter-relationships between physical activity, adiposity, molecular traits and sleep traits.

Highlights include:

Watch an overview by Rebecca Richmond, who co-chairs the Physical activity and sleep theme with Neil Murphy.
Research from ICEP found that people with a morning preference have a lower risk of breast cancer.
ICEP research revealed how regular exercise helps to prevent cancers of the bowel, breast and prostate. 

Some key findings of ICEP1 highlight the causal role of physical activity and certain sleeping patterns in reducing cancer risk.

We are now exploring why physical activity and sleep are important. As well as the interplay between activity and sleep patterns, we are investigating a variety of hormonal and molecular factors that may underly the effects observed on a range of cancers. We are also delving further into the use of accelerometers for measuring physical activity and sleep.

This research theme has important translational implications in terms of informing public health strategies for the promotion of physical activity and healthy sleep for cancer prevention.

An image of a man asleep in bed
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