Undergraduate courses

Why choose to study a core subject with innovation?

Innovation Courses: 4 year integrated masters degree

In the first two years of the course you spend two thirds of your time in your core discipline and one third in your innovation work. In the later years the balance changes. Within your core disciplinary units you will focus on everything you need to qualify for your specialism.

Possible areas of study

  • You will look at situations by developing an approach which looks at the interconnectedness of various factors to understand the bigger picture (systems thinking) of the problem whilst bringing together a human-centred problem solving focus (design thinking) to create innovative solutions to design challenges.
  • You will build up the skills to use participatory design and co-production to build up the understanding of users/customers/stakeholders and where to create value for them. You will apply these approaches working in multi-disciplinary teams to take on a series of innovation and entrepreneurial challenges.
  • As your skills and knowledge develop you will work in multi-disciplinary teams with real clients to find out how to design solutions to problems to meet real human needs. You will learn about the technological, social and political influences on design and innovation.
  • You will also explore innovative and disruptive ideas and the potential of new technologies to change the way people live and work, as well as creating prototypes to test with users or customers and learning about different types of enterprise and how to raise finance.
  • Your final year project is an opportunity to create your own enterprise, including assessing the feasibility, sustainability and desirability of a proposed plan.


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